Sorry for writing in english. I do understand russian, but have problems writing with cyrillic letters. Unfortunately, I completely disagree to Irina and recognize the problems indicated by Vera. I visited Ullutau, and I should say, this was one of the dirties places I have ever seen. It is far to complex to moralize about the soulful purity, and in the same time look on all this garbage all around (in bushes), empty plastic bottles all around. It was also some kind of astonishment to look at small children who were slinging the GLASS bottles into the small pond at the SE side of camp. The bottles in water were latter knocked to pieces using the same kids. God save these, trying to swim, wash or wade into the pond. There were NO any signs, where to put garbage, etc. Also, take into consideration, that the small amount of information in russian is completely not readable by any foregner. I also can not agree, that kind of toilets used in camp, can help anyone to purify his soul. Even vice versus. Let us say, there may be many persons in camp, ready to pay a simbolic amount of money for a serviced and clean toilet. I should agree, eating room and kitchen was good, and the people working there were also very kind and responsible. In summary, -a little advice to the managers and owners of camp - do not be afraid to add more extra services (available for additional fee). -there are many places with nice rocks and woods without plastic bottles and smashed glass, where to find the peace and harmony! KEEP SMILING!!! 18.08 04:13 Irina сообщал: I> I>Милая Вера боюсь что Вы просто не туда попали. I>Я работала и совершала восхождения в Уллутау не один год а было это к сожалению более 20 лет тому. Альпбаза не смотря на грязные туалеты и не комфортабельные умывальники -была, есть и будет одним из самых ЧИСТЫХ мест на Земле. Каждый видет то что хочет видеть ... Вы к сожалению не увидели главного. В горы люди ездят чистить души а не уши , а тот кто хочет соблюдать гигиеену найдет способ ее соблюдать в любых условиях.... I>С сожалением Ирина |